Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chabot College Plan Towards UC Berkeley's EECS for International Students

This is a guideline for a student who attends Chabot College and plans to attend the University of California Berkeley majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.

Some notes:
  1. ENGR 43 and ENGR 45 are articulated to courses at UC Berkeley
  2. Take MTH 8 when you can, specially if you are more interested in the Computer Engineering. From what I heard, the equivalent to MTH 8 at UC Berkeley can be passed with at most a C, even if you are the smartest kid in the world. UC Berkeley's Discrete Math course covers a lot of abstract ideas in one semester.
  3. MTH 3 is a prerequisite for PHYS 4C (but not PHYS 5)
Some notes on transferring:
  1. The more classes related to the major you take, the greater the chances of getting accepted. Of course, take the required and the 
  2. UC Berkeley and UC LA require full completion of courses before considering you for admission.
  3. **************Counselor that comes every month can influence in your chances of getting accepted