Monday, December 10, 2012

How do structs work?

Here is the source code of the program:
This program can be run using Quincy 2005. Get Quincy at:

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Tea Making:
  • dont use boiling water. usually water around 185 C. just let the hot water sit for a while then pour on the leaves
  • 45 seconds is good enough
  • the range is 30 second to 1 minute if you want a time frame

Where to send transcripts:
UC San Diego - Admissions and Relations with Schools
9500 Gilman Drive, 0021

La Jolla, CA 92093-0021

  1. static_cast (expression)
Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows):

CTRL + N New Playlist
ALT + F + N + L New Playlist Folder

ALT + P + M Margins from Page Layout
ALT + H + K 1.0
ALT + H + K + A Remove space between 1P

ALT + H + FF Font typed

CTRL+G: Get a new part

Ubuntu Shortcuts:
  1. (Terminal) CTRL + D: exit
  2. alt + f2 + xkill + lc on program: force quit program
  1. wubi: install ubuntu without a disk
  2. install sqlite3: sudo apt-get install sqlite3
  3. ubuntu explorer, set folder default view to list view and default list view zoom to lowest
  4. change desktop folder location: edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
  5. virtual machine resolution problem (restart afterwards): sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
Computer knowledge:
  1. Google searching:
    1. Specific file type: filetype:pdf file name
    2. Specific domain type: search entry
  2. Nexus Wireless Charger (Square) 2013 Input Ratings: 9 V, 1.8 A
  3. Understanding the Linux Kernel - O'Reilly pdf:
  4. Apple ID without credit card requiremtn: Creating an apple id usually asks you for a credit card. To avoid the request of a credit card, use the app store and download a free app.
  5. pcSpice download:
  6. Skype Full Offline Installer:
Things Done to Windows OS so Far:
  1. iTunes: set iTunes Media folder location
  2. iTunes: change backup folder location:
    1. cut and paste files from "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" to "D:\iTunes\backup"
    2. cmd: mklink /J "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "D:\iTunes\backup"
Good Chinese Movies:
  1. 墨攻
  2. 霍元甲 (Fearless)
  3. 叶问 (Ip Man)
  4. 叶问 2 (Ip Man 2)
  5. 风声 (?)
  6. 建国大业 (?)
Korean Dramas:
  1. 시티 헌터
  2. 시크릿 가든
  3. 해를 품은 달
  4. Iris
  1. Attack on Titan (Jose)
  2. Fairy Tail (Jasmine)
  1. Pronunciation power - for English pronunciation
  1. 영국:
    1. 런던: London Eye, Royal Greenwich Observatory (Greenwich meridian passes by here)
Facts about the Chinese Counsil in the United States, California, San Francisco:
  1. If you have a third country passport, you can't apply for a two year unlimited entries visitor visa.
  2. Cost as for 12/08/2012:
    1. United States passport: $140
    2. Third country passport: $30
Computer Issues:
  1. Microsoft Office 2010: When writing an equation, the following error shows up: "The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro..."
    To fix this, run your Microsoft Office 2010 installation and on the installation options, set [Office Shared Tools - Visual Basic For Applications] to run from your computer. 
  2. Right CTRL not working: I happened that whenever I used Korean IME, the right CTRL would stop working. If I switch back to English, it starts working again.
  3. Virus: C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\sqrqtsr.exe
  4. TTPlayer (千千静听) not displaying Korean characters correctly?
    Solution: Save the lyrics file in UTF-8 format instead of ASCII.

My Shortcuts

UC Berkeley H/SS Requirement for CoE (College of Engineering) <Classes from the below lists>: 
  2. Office of Undergraduate Advising: Philosophy and Values
  3. Office of Undergraduate Advising: Historical Studies
  4. Office of Undergraduate Advising: International Studies
  5. Office of Undergraduate Advising: Arts and Literature
  6. Office of Undergraduate Advising: Social and Behavioral

MIT OpenCourseWare:  18.03 Differential Equations, Spring 2010 | Video Lectures:

San Francisco Public Library - Ingleside - Hours of operation:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Good Chinese Movies

  1. 赤壁 (Red Cliff)
  2. 霍元甲 (Fearless)
  3. 叶文 (Ip Man)
  4. 叶文 2 (Ip Man 2)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Some Facts About the University of California Application (UC Application)

  1. Order of Colleges to chose for UC San Diego:
    1. John Muir College
    2. Thurgood Marshall College
    3. Earl Warren College
    4. Sixth College
    5. Eleanor Roosevelt College
    6. Revelle College

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chabot College Plan Towards UC Berkeley's EECS for International Students

This is a guideline for a student who attends Chabot College and plans to attend the University of California Berkeley majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.

Some notes:
  1. ENGR 43 and ENGR 45 are articulated to courses at UC Berkeley
  2. Take MTH 8 when you can, specially if you are more interested in the Computer Engineering. From what I heard, the equivalent to MTH 8 at UC Berkeley can be passed with at most a C, even if you are the smartest kid in the world. UC Berkeley's Discrete Math course covers a lot of abstract ideas in one semester.
  3. MTH 3 is a prerequisite for PHYS 4C (but not PHYS 5)
Some notes on transferring:
  1. The more classes related to the major you take, the greater the chances of getting accepted. Of course, take the required and the 
  2. UC Berkeley and UC LA require full completion of courses before considering you for admission.
  3. **************Counselor that comes every month can influence in your chances of getting accepted

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Classes to take

Spring 2013
Fall 2014
Spring 2014

Friday, September 7, 2012


7 am - 10:30 am
7 am - 9 am
7 am - 10:30 am
7 am - 10 am
2:15 pm - 3 pm
4:15 pm - 5:30 pm
2:15 pm - 3 pm
3 pm - 5:30 pm
6 pm - 7 pm